O.S.C.A.R. Course
Discover the world of adventurous medical care
Discover the O.S.C.A.R. course: medical training for adventurous people in remote areas.
Are you out and about in nature a lot? Sometimes off the beaten track? Do you know how long it takes for help to reach you in the event of an emergency? Even in Germany, it can sometimes take 30 minutes for qualified help to reach you in remote places. Decisive minutes that can make the difference between life and death in an emergency.
The term OSCAR (Outdoor Scenario Casualty and Rescue Training) refers to a course format that is specifically aimed at people with an affinity for the outdoors. In two parts, you will learn the basics of self-protection, recognizing and treating critical bleeding, treating broken bones and many other topics. The concept is very practical and takes place where it is applied, in nature. While the foundation is laid in the first part, the second part is the crowning glory. It's not just your medical skills that are improved here.
To impart knowledge and practical skills in advanced first aid in order to effectively bridge the time until professional help arrives in remote areas
Target audience:
Adventurous people who are traveling in remote areas and need medical knowledge.

Contents and learning objectives of the O.S.C.A.R. basic module
The O.S.C.A.R. Basic Module is the introduction to the world of advanced first aid for the adventurous. It covers basic techniques and knowledge that are crucial for first aid in remote areas. Participants learn how to use an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), self-protection measures and the certified "stop the Bleed" course program. This includes how to recognize and treat critical bleeding. You will be taught techniques such as wound compression, wound packing and the correct application of a tourniquet. Further content includes the basics of conserving heat, initial treatment of fractures and improvised patient transport methods, supplemented by realistic case studies.
Hemorrhage control
Participants learn life-saving techniques such as the Stop the Bleed program, including the proper application of tourniquets and wound packing.
Fracture treatment
The module teaches essential skills for the initial treatment of fractures and injuries to the torso in order to be able to react effectively in emergency situations.
Practical application
Realistic case studies and exercises in improvised patient transport are used to reinforce what has been learned in a practical way.
Contents and learning objectives of the O.S.C.A.R. advanced module
The O.S.C.A.R. advanced module deepens the basic knowledge acquired in the basic module and significantly expands the participants' skills. The focus is on the assessment of an injured person according to the MARCH scheme, including the recognition and treatment of critical bleeding, airway management, the basics of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and the recognition of disorders of consciousness. In addition, the basics of communication in stressful situations are taught and what has been learned is applied in a continuous, fictitious situation under difficult conditions. A written final test and an O.S.C.A.R. course patch round off the course. Successful participation in the basic module is mandatory for participation in the advanced module.
Analysis of injuries
Participants learn a detailed assessment of casualties according to the MARCH scheme in order to be able to treat critical bleeding and respiratory disorders professionally, for example.
Emergency response
Advanced skills such as airway management and the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation prepare participants for complex emergency situations.
Communication & Scenario
An intensive scenario under difficult conditions sharpens the application of what has been learned and strengthens communication skills in stressful situations.
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Price schedules
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O.S.C.A.R. Base Module
Includes bleeding control, fracture care and practical application
One Time Payment
One Time Payment
Getting to know IFAK content
Initial treatment of fractures to extremities
Stop the Bleed course program incl. certificate
Improvised patient transport
Real-life case studies
Duration about 6 hours
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Convenient direct payment via PayPal or direct debit
O.S.C.A.R. Advanced module
Includes casualty analysis, scenarios and course patch. Basic module is a prerequisite for participation
One Time Payment
One Time Payment
Application MARCH scheme
Treating critical bleeding
Respiratory management
Recognizing disorders of consciousness
Communicating in stressful situations
Written final test
O.S.C.A.R. course patch
Duration about 12 hours
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Convenient direct payment via PayPal or direct debit
O.S.C.A.R. Combi Package
Includes both modules, furthermore a refresher course once a year is free of charge for all graduates!
One Time Payment
Includes all topics of the basic module
Includes all topics of the advanced module
Annual refresher course free of charge
Sign up now
Convenient direct payment via PayPal or direct debit
Frequently asked questions about the O.S.C.A.R. course.
What is the O.S.C.A.R. course?
The abbreviation OSCAR stands for Outdoor Scenario Casualty and Rescue Training. This is a two-part course format that teaches participants life-saving first aid measures away from the normal rescue routes.
How can I register for the OSCAR course?
Simply visit the Medical Response Crew website or Instagram page.
What requirements do I need to bring with me?
No previous knowledge is required for the course. Whether beginner or professional, everyone is welcome.
How does the course work?
Each course consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the first part, we will teach you the basics you need to properly care for yourself or others in nature. In the second part, we build on the first part and expand your knowledge and skills.
Is there a certificate for the OSCAR course?
After completing the first part, you will receive the official Stop the Bleed certificate. For the successful completion of the second part, you will receive the OSCAR course patch. Individual certification of the training content is of course possible.
How long does the course last?
The first part takes about 6 hours and the second part about 12 hours.
Is there an age limit for the course?
Yes, you must be at least 18 years old to take part in the O.S.C.A.R. course.
What equipment is needed?
You will need weatherproof clothing, sturdy shoes and gloves, for example from the tactical area. You will also need a small rucksack with everything you need for the day (food, water). If you have one, you are welcome to bring your existing first aid kit. All training materials, such as tourniquet, emergency bandage, rescue blankets or splinting materials are provided by us. You will receive a detailed list before the course.
Still have questions?
Please contact us for further information.